
How to be a Confident Essential Oil User

If you’re just getting started using essential oils, here are a few ways you can grow in knowledge and confidence to take a natural, proactive approach with your health and wellness goals.

1) Understand the basics of using essential oils safely. If you haven’t been able to attend and introductory class, this online class will be helpful for you. Or visit this helpful page.

2) Find great resources for integrating oils into your everyday life. I like searching for the botanical name of the essential oil on to find peer-reviewed scholarly research. There are also books and resource manuals available. Be careful to select quality resources that cite scholarly research. Unfortunately, general aromatherapy guidelines don’t pertain to all brands of essential oils.

3) Only use tested, trusted essential oils. I only use doTERRA oils for this reason. When medical labs, hospitals, and researchers choose this brand of essential oil because of the purity and potency, you know it’s the real deal!

4) Read the product labels. If it has nutrition facts on the side, it can be used internally along those guidelines. Easy peasy.

5) Learn to listen to your body. This is one of those recommendations that would have sounded crazy to me before, but over the years, I have learned how to understand what oil to use for a particular situation by paying attention to what my body needs. As you gain experience, you will grow in this confidence. For example, the other day, I applied spearmint and eucalyptus to my feet in the morning to promote healthy respiratory function. Throughout the day, I noticed that my mental clarity was much better than normal. (Bye, mom brain!) Now, when I need a cognitive boost, I will diffuse or apply spearmint and eucalyptus.

6) Download doTERRA’s free Daily Drop app. You can receive bite sized pieces of education each day, and gradually grow in confidence for integrating oils into your everyday life.

7) Take advantage of continuing education opportunities through Essential Oils Daily Collective and doTERRA Corporate. I highly recommend the Empowered Life Series.


How to Host a Convention Viewing Party

There's nothing quite like the excitement of a doTERRA convention! The new product announcements, the cutting-edge research, the global humanitarian projects, the confetti at Gala, the cross-line friendships, the aroma of essential oils over Salt Lake City... it's one of my favorite events each year. If you're hoping to build a doTERRA business, convention is the best investment you can make. 

In some circumstances, however, it's impossible for some of my team members to attend convention. What a blessing that doTERRA has made most of convention available via live stream again this year! Last year, I attended in person and purchased the online pass because I just couldn't take notes fast enough during some of the presentations. I love being able to go back and get beautiful screen shots from the online presentation, rather than trying to snap photos of the screens in the arena. 

Whether or not you're attending convention, it's a great idea to host a Convention Viewing Party! While nothing compares to the events presented by the doTERRA team, here are some things to make your Viewing Party extra special. 

Decide if you're hosting your party during the convention or afterward. If you host it during convention time, you will have the suspense and enthusiasm of new product announcements. If you host it afterward you can include a "Product Showcase" with your convention kit. (Kits are only available to convention attendees.) 

Choose a location. If you're planning a multi-day event, clear some space and any distractions. I love the idea of gathering together with your local team to watch the whole thing. You'll want to have access to a smart TV or a laptop, HDMI cable and TV or projector so that you can stream from your computer to a big screen. 

Make a guest list. Decide if your local team is going to camp out for the hours and hours of convention fun, or if you'll have a brief event featuring some highlights. 

Send invitations. My husband created this great invitation to match the theme. Feel free to download and customize it with your information. 

Plan refreshments. The doTERRA blog has some wonderful, oil-infused refreshment ideas. If you can, have other leaders contribute by bringing some too! 

Make it fun! The doTERRA events team goes to great lengths to provide fun photo opportunities around every bend. You can have fun decorations at your event too. Keep it simple or do it up! It's up to you. 

Diffuse something that helps increase focus without encouraging chatting through the presentations. You can pop the roller top from InTune and add a few drops to your Lumo with a pipette! 

You may also want to provide: notebooks and pens, throw blankets, and custom rollerball blends. 

What other ideas do you have to create a Convention Viewing Party that rivals the real event? Let me know if you'd like to contribute to my group Pinterest board


Dr. Hill, Chief Medical Officer

We are so lucky to have Dr. Hill as one of our executives! Essential oils became much less confusing and more useable as soon as I learned more about their chemistry. I really enjoyed reading this article because, in my own experience, I knew the essential oils were working for me, but I wasn’t sure why or how. I am the sort of person that needs to know the ‘why’. Learning more about the chemistry can seem daunting which is why I love how Dr. Hill breaks it down for us. He gives an easy to understand explanation of the science behind how and why these drops can do so much for our wellness.  What other resources have you found that help you understand the ‘why’ behind your favorite oils?

Connect to Dr. Hill on Facebook:

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