calming oil blend

Cedarwood for Grounding

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I love blending wood oils with citrus oils in the diffuser. Wood oils and root oils are typically low notes in fragrance blending and are beneficial for promoting feelings of groundedness. Citrus oils are high notes that can flash off quickly. Blending those happy citrus oils with a wood oil like Cedarwood is beneficial for balancing moods.

Did you know that Cedarwood essential oil was considered by the Sumerians to stem from the Tree of Life? Diffuse Cedarwood with Cypress for a warm scent to promote feelings of confidence and self-esteem within the home.

Cedarwood oil also includes the main sesquiterpene constituents cedrene, and thujopsene, which help improve the appearance of skin. Add one to two drops to your toner to help with skin imperfections.

Shop for Cedarwood here!